29 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

A film recommendation - UN CUENTO CHINO (2011)

Before deciding to watch a movie, I will always be concerned about the director. Since the director is  the one who is going to turn the imagination of the writer (even if it is based on true story) in to the reality. Let's say sort a of reality. However sometimes there are some actors which we should consider before the director. The Argentian actor: Ricardo Darin. The acting is basically to give the emotion of character to the audience to make them sense the film as a real life. This guy is really a special actor for me as well as Mads Mikelsen and Harvey Keitel expecially in Ulysses' Gaze.

The movie that I will recommend to you was like a recital of this man and maybe Chinese actor in the film as well. It has been for a while that I haven’t been excited about a movie.

I would like to write more about the movie but I don't want to spoil it for you .

Watch it ! you will not regret .. 

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