22 Nisan 2014 Salı

The Adam Experiment: Part 3 - Noah's Orphanage

(Detective gladly felt that he took the advantage of interrogation again. The only thing has to be done now is that make him doubt of his scientific base and to debilitate the scientific rationalization and to force him to waken his conscious through social ethics. Then he could reach genuinely into the character of this great scientist. Undoubtly if the man still feels just with his actions, there is no point of loyal punishment. The real punishment is to face the crime that he did. At that very time, George Orwell’s novel; 1984 came to his mind. In this novel, just admiting the crime was not enough. They have to admit their crime against Big Brother and therewith they have to love him from the heart. He didn’t understand why he tought about this. Perhaps, He was the one who changed his toughts instead changing Dr. Inan’s. He just stopped to think it. )

Dinçer Inan went crazy after detective’s words. Awhile he tried to be calm nevertheles he couldn’t restrain himself:
-          Have you ever read one of my articles ? you fucking dick ! Have you ever seen my countribution to cancer, brain concussion and lesion therapies. These are the conclusion of 20 years god damn hardwork !! How can you say that to me, you motherfucking son of a bitch !!!!
Inan standed up with anger. Detective didn’t expect that kind of reaction from Inan. But he kept calm. Two zebella like men broke into the room. Detective didn’t even look at the zebellas :
-          Get out. Everthing is under the control” he said. He lighted his cigaretta and said: “ please remain calm Dr. Inan” Dr. Inan set back and responded:” If you talk in this way again, the conversation will be over. I won’t tell you a shit !!! “  
-          I just wanted to be sure that you will not claim a madness defence, said detective. Inan wait little bit to be calm again.
-          May I have a cigarette please ?

Detective took out a cigaretta from the pocket and presented it to Inan, barely standed up and lighted his cigaretta. In short time, interrogation room turned into gloomy by the smoking fume. Dr. Inan started to talk:
-          The ratio of the genders was calculated through the theory of Minimum Viable Population. Contrary to other scientists, I estimate the experiment would have further stages; ”an experiment that lasts for life“. In that case, they had doubt the experiment would be out of control, nevertheles they accepted the theory. However I minimized the number of children as 23 by the  insistence of my colleagues. Thus we guaranteed the survival of the children by the natural reason.
-          So, you estimated detaily the participition of the children to outside-world. However I have to claim that there was nobody around when Noah got out of the ark.
-          From that point, we had to focus scientific part of the experiment rather that philosopic part. We can not ignore out-side world. Therefore, I and my team thougt this would be an amazing opportunity to understand and compare super-ego concept. It would be a great chance to see the difference between the real nature of human-being with spoiled one.

      Inan took a last breath from his cigaretta and pulled it out in ashtray that detective passed to him. For a while they waited silently the next move from opponent. Inan seemed to disproove the point view of the detective which Inan has no scientific base for this experiment. Detective decided to go back the beginning.

-          Doctor, I am not convinced that you are telling everything . For seeing whole picture with details, I have to ask you to explain us everthing from the beginning with every single detail. First of all, how did you collect the children ? Was  there any special parameter, the children had to contain ?
-          No, detective. After all, the whole aim of the project was to observe what kind of norm and regulation, a normal human population can create without any outsider effect. We didn’t look for anything exept the children are healty or not.
-          But How did you collect the children ? Adopting 23 children at the same time from certain orphinage doesn’t seem so legal to me.
-          We did have some connections who know some people in the administration of the orphanages. They dealed with that part of work. They made sure that any of children didn’t have any emotional attachment with any of adults and they convinced the administration of orphanages for adopting the children.
-          Which orphanages ?
-          If you think, I will give you any information about the orphanages and my connection, you can lick my balls, Detective. I particulary indicated that I don’t want to be interrogated in this way.   
-          At least you can tell any of orphanage administrators or your connections were aware of your experiment or not.
-          The orphenage administrators doesn’t know anything about experiment. Beside I don’t even think they cared about these children.
-          What about your connection ?
-          We had to tell them. Most of them respected the aim of the experiment. Plus, you don’t have to bother looking the money transfer. They didn’t ask any money for the job. I wish you luck to reach them. May I have a cup of coffee, Detective ?

Detective didn’t replied. They didn’t talk until coffee arrived. Detective faced an huge wall which was constructed with a great care by Inan. He needed to plan his strategy very carefully. 

part 1: The Adam Experiment: The Garden of Eden
part 2: The Adam Experiment: Raul

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