4 Mayıs 2014 Pazar

Power Rangers vs Reservoir Dogs (based on true story)

We were 5 children who wanted to play Power Rangers in the street. I already made wooden swords, spear, bow and axe. I picked to be blue ranger. He was the scientific one and wore glasses as well. It was my right by law to be him. I made my brother red ranger and other guy black ranger. We were 5 boys and the things got tricky in the case of picking yellow and pink rangers. I somehow convinced 4th guy to be yellow ranger. I don't know, maybe he didn't watch the show or yellow was not so feminine colour. Then the last guy had to be pink ranger. He didn't accept. Whole game started to became a Reservoir Dog scene. I tried to convince him showing how cool the bow is. How cool her fighting style.  He said " then why don't you become pink ranger ? " I said " but I got glasses " Yellow ranger said that he doen't want to be yellow ranger anymore as well. I told them "allright you can be rotative yellow and pink ranger ". Pink ranger said " fuck you I don't want to play this fucking game " and he left. I couln't understand for a while. I was 7 years old. Everybody left. I still couln't understand. I tought for a moment. Then it hit to my mind ! How society give significance to the colours ! what sexuality is ! All images turned into my brain. I resisted. I tried to play as blue ranger by myself. I couln't concentrate. I went back home and watched the new episode of Power Rangers. I realized then how cute was Pink ranger is. yellow was not beautiful much. It seemed that I lost my childhood innocence after that moment.
Yeah pink ranger was beautiful...

                                                                                           Umea, 2014

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