22 Eylül 2014 Pazartesi

The man in a dark alley: short story

I am an unsocial man and I can't say that I got so much fun in my life. Besides I am so unsignificant guy, also my appearance is not very distinctive. You know, you just give a glance to a person in the street because he was passing front of you and you don't think about him again. It is me ! But don't think that I am an ugly guy. No not at all. Even some girls used to tell me that I am good looking. Yet, I usually get blushed right in that moment and create an excuse to escape there and go to my home.

However, even a guy like me, got a story to tell. You may not believe any word. It is your kind choice. But I am going to tell it anyway.

In an ordinary autumn night, I was walking in a dark alley. The wind was blowing and drifting the dry leaves around. There was nothing except a weak street light. The weather was freezing with that cold wind. Not long after, I noticed a guy walking in front of me. As I noticed from far, the guy wore an hat and a long topcoat like in detective films. He was walking slow and I was approaching him in every second.

I was lying when I say, there is not so much fun in my life. I sometimes enjoy to make people nervous just by walking next to them or behind of them with a same speed. I don't look at them but I always know that they get easily uncomfortable with my acts. For me it is so funny !!!

Then after a while, I arrived just two meters away from the guy. I arranged my walking speed same with him. After walking 10-15 meters like this the guy with the hat noticed me. He became preoccupied for every second of walking. I did reach my point. Then he slowed down to let me pass. However, I slowed down as well. The tension for him was increasing like the sound of accelerating wind. The autumn leaves was drifting around even more caoticly in that dark alley. And I was still 2 meters behind of him. After a while he started to walk faster but I kept the distance. He couldn't dare to look behind and also run away.

Then he just crouch and pretend like tying his shoelaces to understand that I was seriously stalking him. But I just threw my lighter to the ground and got down to take it. I was just next to him. Then he looked at me with an evil expression in his face and said " hello there dear friend !!. I suddenly got shocked and couln't move a finger. The guy just salute me, was me !!!. I was looking to my own face !

He tied his shoelaces slowly and spoke again " you would have never guess that right ? asshole ! " and walked away and left me there shivering like the last standing autumn leaves. Then he perished in the end of the dark alley.

for the respect to Dvoynik - Dostoyevsky and O Homem Dublicado - Jose Saramago

Umea 2014, Septembre


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