5 Kasım 2014 Çarşamba

THE IMAGE OF A DETECTIVE : a short story

In a cloudy spring day, a guy just entered in the police department of the city. He was wearing an unparticular tartan shirt, brown slacks and cheap gumshoe. He seemed definitely not an important person by his apperance. Maybe that's why none of the guards even gave him a glance. However he didn't pass through that metal detector though. It was wierd and nobody warned him as well.

He was carrying a file. But from his appearance there was no way to tell the guy is somebody. Maybe he was an asistant of the district attorney. However it was more likely that the guy should be an officeboy of that district attorney which he ordered him to bring the file to his office. He climbed the stairs not fast but not slow as well. They say everybody has peculiar walking style. But this guy definetely didn't have any.

The guy walked through the corridors with his uncharacteristic steps. He just skipped the door of attorney's office. Probably he was just confused. It is certainly expected from that guy to do some stupid things. But no. He didn't come back. He just entered the departmant of organized crimes. Not a single person looked at him. He was walking in his way to the office of police commisioner. After he entered, he put the file to the commisioner's desk.

The commisioner looked at the file and looked at him. He said " Damn ! how can you solve this crime with your fucking stupid face ! " Did the commisioner do a sarcastic joke ? I don't think so. When you looked at this guy's face, you would definitely think that the guy has no brain working. Others loughed as hell. He didn't replied. Probably he couldn't think about a clever answer. How did he solve this complicated case ? The most interestingly he solved many cases as complicated as this case.

Nobody took him seriously in his life. Even after he solved a famous corruption case as well. Some journalist visited the police department to interview with the guy was charged in that investigation. They interviewed everybody in the department except him. Probably they thought that the guy was an tea-maker or something. When they finally found out he is the guy was in charge, they started to ask the questions. The journalist wasn't contented. He just spoke couple of words. That was it. But it wasn't due to not revealing some secret information that government is going to need. He simply couldn't think anything to tell them. The commissioner gave the speech to the journalists.

In the following day his name was mentioned only in one line. It was only because the commissioner said his name in his speech once. Did the guy complain about it ? did he feel dissapointed or what ? No. If you ask me, he didn't have the capacity to think about it. The guy got out the commissioner's office and looked at the people who were laughing him. He did got no face expression except that senseless stupid look. Then he went to the basement where all criminal files are present. He walked down with his uncharacteristic steps again.

He took the most dangerous case from the shelfs. This case was about the biggest criminal orgasination which got relations with big dicks in the town. Nobody dared to process this case. What was the guy thinking ? Why ? did he want to get some respect finally ? Was he capable to think that ? He got out from the police department.Again everybody looked at him with their contemptous glances. Even in the streets. Why was everbody like this?

Because he was showing them how miserable a regular human being is. He never did something to hide it in order to look charming, clever, charismatic. He had never wore an identity costum in his life. Did he do it to protest the society ? No. He had never thought about that kind of staff in his life. The one that who is telling this story to you, is ME behind of my shadow mask. Maybe you started to respect me by looking to my shadow mask. Yes ! You are damn right to respect or even like me.

But but what is he doing now !? He just opened his bag and  took out an hat and long topcoat that he had never wore before. He walked into streets. He thought that people started to respect him. The protector of the town. Maybe until seeing his stupid face. Incredibly he was speaking with damn right people for this dangerous case. How was he doing that ? to come up with clever plan to solve this case and all cases !

He started to stalke a spooky guy. What was he feeling ? We never know.. He followed him until a dark alley. Yes. he entered a ruined apartment. That was the place that the guy would catch him with red-handed ! He walked silently after him.

Then something solid crashed his head. He hit to the wet ground. Maybe first time in his whole life he felt some emotions. He was happy and even proud. They had beaten him dastardly, dishonestly. But it would be the first torch to encourage the society to fight with this damn criminal organization. Finally a guy came up and fought with them bravely and got killed ingloriously. His heroic act would be remembered through years.

He looked his left side while bleeding in streams from his head. There was a plant with soil on its roots and a tattered flowerpot, dropped from a balcony. He kept staring at the flowerpot for a while. Then he closed his eyes and gave away his last breath.

Not long after an homeless man came and looked at him. He touched the fiber of the topcoat. He removed it from the guy's dead body and wore it. He took the hat from the wet ground as well and walked through the main street.

People looked at him respectfully.

to the watchful protector of the town...

                                                                     Umea, 2014 November

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