10 Mart 2013 Pazar

Guilty and Not Guilty

- Nice bunch of guys ha ?
- Just like things that everywhere else ..
- Ahh what a murderous day, will be much more longer ?
- I don't know.
- He is guilty for sure, not a doubt in whole world. It should be done already. Oh I don't mind you know, beats working.. Eee, you think he is not guilty ha ?
- I don't know, it is possible
- Well, I don't know you but I bet , you never been wrong in your life, you are wasting your time, you gotta rapid up.
- Suppose, it is you on trail.
- Well, I am not used to supposing, I am just a working man like a boss sopposing, but I will try one. Supposing you talk loud about this, kid really did kill his father ha...

                                              12 Angry Man / Sidney Lumet / 1957

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