1 Mart 2013 Cuma

The Adam Experiment: The Garden of Eden: part 1

- You would be sentenced for death penalty, If you were in States Dr. İnan.
- Then, God bless Europa.
- You will tell us why you did this experiment. We have to make sure that you will not do madness defence.
- I told you, I will not. I still think that my experiment has to be done.
- Then tell us everything. The thing that you tell before doesn't make any sense.
- I didn't say anythıng. If I would, probably you wouldn't understand a shit !
- What do think about yout motifs of this experiment ?  .
- Are you fucking psychiatrist !It is a psychiatrist question.
- I made my phD in Munich on criminal psychology.
- Do you think that my work is a crime Mr. Paradiso ?
- Are you kidding me ! You kidnapped 23 newborn children, locked them in totally isolated enviroment ! If it is not crime, what is this ?
- It is a revolution !! It is a macrocosmos where there is no rules and no crimes. It is a paradise !!
- There is thing that Dr. Inan, I don't believe in paradises.
- Your surname doesn't say so Mr. Paradiso. At least your ancestors believed in it.
- I don't have any bloody idea that how they got this surname !
- Your grand grandfather, Marco, got this surname, after his trade trip to Persia. He learnt many languages in East Persia. Expecially Avestan Language. The word of " Paradiso" comes from this East Old Iranian language as pairi daêza. He became obsessed about this word and its meaning. " to create a wall around " The word passed to Greek as parádeisos " the Garden of Eden ". He wanted to create this garden of eden on the Earth. He kidnapped 20 people from different cities of Italian peninsula. As you guess 16 women and 7 men, and built a wall around this people. The wall was huge and high. It was a masterpiece. But the thing that he didn't know was this people rose in a normal world and with its rules. They tried to escape from this heaven and in the end they refused to eat and died. He failed. He got arrested and killed himself in prison. You didn't know this, don't you Mr. Paradiso ?
- ... No, I don't ...

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