20 Mart 2013 Çarşamba

The Virus Movie - Survival mechanism

Here is the final treailer of the Virus :


Human has been evolved to survive. It was like this, since everything has began. First human started to hunt. They had to continue living. The first survival mechanism of human being. They constituted tribes and lived sociol life to survive easily. They invented the agriculture. The first intervention to the nature. They proved that they are not animal anymore. This agriculture was not brutal like today. They took from nature wht they needed. They were completely in peace with the nature. First they immigrate like animal, like insects, like the blood cells in their body.

But some of them stopped. They settled down into the soil like plants. In that moment a superior culture than immigrancy has emerged. Villages has been established. But again not spoiling to landscape like today. With this culture, they got more comfortable life. New people joined in the villages. Town has been established. Mostly by the rivers onto more fertile soil.

However, they continue to wonder where they come from. From the stars, from the moon. The first creation myths had been written. These myths created first religions. With these religions, different cultures has been emerged. People continue proliferating. They spreaded and met another religions. This was the first problem in the human history: They wanted to dominate other religions. First war began and the first contract signed. But this war never stopped. People tought that their religion is the most important think to fight for. The first defect in human survival. People died not from natural causes. Evil and good has been created.

Some cultures has became more stronger, some cultures has been vanished. but left traces on stonger religions like Pagan left traces on Christianity. All neighbour languages took some words from eachother. Some cultures got more stronger. More people started to join them. Tribes left their place into states, States left their place into Empires. Like towns left their places to bigger towns, bigger towns turned into cities. The first exploidation into the nature "Pollution"

People wanted to get more power in order to be more stronger. People wanted to live more comfortable life that they don't even needed. After agricultural revolution and scientific revolution, they achieved industrial revolution. They started to destroy nature. and exploited nations weeker than they were. World wars broke out. Earth get destroyed, in second one, human got in the verge of extinction.

Then they realized that they had to protect the earth in order to survive. However exploitation, domination sever stopped. In order to be more stronger, western civilization continue to dominate the world. Western civilization that depends on exploidation and domination. People got rotten and aroused.

In the movie,  some "not normal people" predicted that the earth will be vanished. Then they produced a virus will kill all rottened and aroused humans. They wanted to go back from the beginning when humans and nature was in peace. In that moment human's survival mechanism awaked again. They stopped these "not normal" people and saved human race.

Probably, prediction of these not normal people will come true. The earth will be destroyed. But human will find the way to survive. They will leave this earth like a virus and spread into another earth which they will destroy. It will happen again and again and again ...

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