7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba


I didn't have a chance to read Bakunin's anarchic world. But he was right to say Marx is so wrong to claim only proleteriat can overwhelm the capitalist system. Despite proleteriat is suppressed by Bourgeoisie, they have their morality and hierarcical thinking. They can't be the only revolutianary class. The world history showed that Bakunin was right throughout Russian experience. Moreover Marx also said the state whould be used for revolutionary aims, after revolution success, it would disappear. Bakunin finds this idea is so naive. Bonaparte's state didn't renounce its power and authority after revolution. The existence of state should disappear according to Bakunin. He says " Political slavery, the state reproduce poverty and maintains it as a condition of its own existence. So in order to destroy poverty, it is necessary to destroy the state.

But what will happen without state, in anarchic world. Will revolution destroy just state authorty or all state institutions. What will be condition of social system ? What will be motivation of a garbage man who hates his job ? For this heavy works that nobody wants, it can be arranged shift system that everybody will take care of tis heavy works in particular times. But what about educational system ? The first generation will be a huge problem, non-revolutionarists, conservative and religious people, bourgeoisie. Then of course second generation, the children of these men will be a problem as well. Until the third generation, approximately 70 years who will maintain the anarchist system.  In these conditions we will need an authority, the people in charge. The first and maybe the worst defect in revolution. Unfortunately we will need armed forces to suppress the rebellion against anarcist system, prisons, second defect. Moreover what we will do about the people who will immigrate for better places in the world that there is no borders. What about old pre-judgements, cultural and religious backrounds. Maybe we are going to ban the immigration, Third and the biggest defect in anarchist idea. Forbitten things.

On the other hand, Anarchia is not an unreachable utopia, maybe revolution is the easiest part. Important thing is the maintaining the system without rules, violance and authority.  

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