21 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Revolver - Guy Ritchie - Ego

hakkını vermek gerek film biraz karışık. sonunda ise her şeyin net açıklandığı bir film değil. yalnız dikkatle izlenirse içindeki felsefeyi anlamak zor değil.

insanın en büyük düşmanı olan egoyu konu alan bir film. filmin bazı kısımları anlamsız ya da çözmesi zor bulmaca gibi gelebilir fakat böyle bir başyapıtın tüm sorulara cevabı olduğunu düşünüyorum.

öncelikle filmde kesinlikle çoklu kişilik bozukluğu var. ister adına şizofreni deyin, ister çift kişilik olayı deyin. çünkü kapalı alanlardan korkan birisinin 10 yıl yerine 5 yıllık hücre hapsini seçmesini ancak böyle açıklanabilir. hücre cezası sırasında tanıştıgı santranç ustası ve üç kağıtçının parayı nerede sakladığına kadar kendi hakkında her şeyi bilmesi ve kendisinin onlar hakkında pek bir şey bilmemesi de onların aslında kendi kişilikleri olduğunu gösteriyor. bu iki arkadaşı, kendilerini tefeci olarak gösterip parayı aslında hiç geri alamayacakları ihtiyaç sahibi kimselere vererek egoyla ilk savaşı başlatmış oluyorlar.

filmle ilgili en fazla ipucunun verildiği yer ise binanın çatısındaki golf oynama sahnesi. satranç ustası adam: "sam gold" kim diye soruyor ve sonra devam ediyor: "rakibinin saklanacağı yer neresidir". jake cevap olarak: "en son bakacağın" yer diyor ve santraç ustası: "onu o kadar uzun zaman dinledin ki onun sen olduğuna inandın". burada bahsettiği egosu. ve ayrıca sam gold'un da aynı kişi oldugunu burada anlıyoruz.

sam gold = jake green = avi = zach

zaten filmde bir çok kez vurgulanan şey sam gold'un canını sıkan kimse hayatta kalamaz. "o üçü hariç hiç kimse :)" ve devam ediyor. "bu onun dünyası. her şeyi o kontrol eder. yapman gerekenleri o söyler. ve ne zaman yapacağını da. var olan bütün acıların ardında o vardır. işlenen tüm suçların ardında. ve şimdi de sana var olmadığını söylüyor. biz sadece seni gelmiş geçmiş tek düşmanla şavaşa soktuk. sense onun en iyi dostun olduğunu sanıyorsun."

burada tabii ki yine egoyu tarif ediyorlar. ve sam gold'un aslında jake'in egosunu simgelediğini anlıyoruz. filmde bir de bay macha'dan özür dileme ve asansör sahneleri var ki burada egosuyla mücadelesi açıkça gözümüze sokuluyor. "yatağın başına gittiğinde gerçek düşmanı yok etmek için algıladığım düşmanı kullanmalıyım" diyor. gerçek düşman egosu. algıladığı düşmansa etiyle kemiğiyle karşısında duran bay macha. burada hala egosuyla mücadele ettigini görüyoruz.

egosu ona tam tersi şeyler söylüyor. onu hemen oracıkta öldürmesi gibi. ama o bunu yapmayıp bay macha'dan özür diliyor ve onu öven şeyler söylüyor. bu sırada iç sesi yani egosu sürekli tam tersi davranması için onu zorluyor ama o egosuna galip geliyor. burada asansör korkusu olduğu halde asansöre binebilmesinin sırrı da bu zaten. şimdiye kadar yapmak istediği veya yapmak istemediği her konuda kararı veren egosuydu. ama artık o andan itibaren tüm kararları kendisi veriyor. asansöre bindikten sonra yine egosunun bu durumdan hiç de hoşnut olmadığını ve inmesi gerektigini söylediğini görüyoruz ama tabi adamımız artık onu pek sallamıyor :)

"seni duyabiliyorum" diyor ve bundan sonra jake'in egosundan farklı bir kişi olduğunun tamamen farkına vardığını anlıyoruz. ve iç sesi "ben senim" dediğinde, "hayır sen ben değilsin" diyor. ve santranç ustasının sözleri geliyor aklına: ''yaptığı en büyük numara seni buna inandırmaktı. yani kendisinin sen olduğuna'' ve artık verdigi savaşta egosuna galip geliyor. bunu da tabii ki algıladığı düşmanı kullanarak yapıyor. yani bay macha'dan özür dileyerek.

filmin sonunda ise çeşitli doktor ya da profesörlerin ego hakkındaki görüşlerine yer veriyorlar. başından beri anlatmaya çalıştıkları şeyi biraz daha bilimsel şekilde açıklıyorlar. belki de filmin bu denli tartışılmasından dolayı insanların biraz daha iyi anlamarı için.

filmin herkese hitap etmeyeceği bir gerçek, bu konuya ilgi duyanlar içinse şaheser niteliğinde. konusu itibariyle de daha önce bir benzeri hiç çekilmemiş. bu haliyle benim için kesinlikle bir başyapıt. her izlediğimde hayata dair bazı şeyleri sorgulamama sebep oluyor. insanlara bakış açım değişiyor. kendi egoma "sen ben değilsin" diyorum. gerçek düşmanla yüzleşmek yerine içimdekiyle yüzleşiyorum. az da olsa.

                                                                                                                (forzamakine, 05.11.2012 22:32)

20 Mart 2013 Çarşamba

The Virus Movie - Survival mechanism

Here is the final treailer of the Virus :


Human has been evolved to survive. It was like this, since everything has began. First human started to hunt. They had to continue living. The first survival mechanism of human being. They constituted tribes and lived sociol life to survive easily. They invented the agriculture. The first intervention to the nature. They proved that they are not animal anymore. This agriculture was not brutal like today. They took from nature wht they needed. They were completely in peace with the nature. First they immigrate like animal, like insects, like the blood cells in their body.

But some of them stopped. They settled down into the soil like plants. In that moment a superior culture than immigrancy has emerged. Villages has been established. But again not spoiling to landscape like today. With this culture, they got more comfortable life. New people joined in the villages. Town has been established. Mostly by the rivers onto more fertile soil.

However, they continue to wonder where they come from. From the stars, from the moon. The first creation myths had been written. These myths created first religions. With these religions, different cultures has been emerged. People continue proliferating. They spreaded and met another religions. This was the first problem in the human history: They wanted to dominate other religions. First war began and the first contract signed. But this war never stopped. People tought that their religion is the most important think to fight for. The first defect in human survival. People died not from natural causes. Evil and good has been created.

Some cultures has became more stronger, some cultures has been vanished. but left traces on stonger religions like Pagan left traces on Christianity. All neighbour languages took some words from eachother. Some cultures got more stronger. More people started to join them. Tribes left their place into states, States left their place into Empires. Like towns left their places to bigger towns, bigger towns turned into cities. The first exploidation into the nature "Pollution"

People wanted to get more power in order to be more stronger. People wanted to live more comfortable life that they don't even needed. After agricultural revolution and scientific revolution, they achieved industrial revolution. They started to destroy nature. and exploited nations weeker than they were. World wars broke out. Earth get destroyed, in second one, human got in the verge of extinction.

Then they realized that they had to protect the earth in order to survive. However exploitation, domination sever stopped. In order to be more stronger, western civilization continue to dominate the world. Western civilization that depends on exploidation and domination. People got rotten and aroused.

In the movie,  some "not normal people" predicted that the earth will be vanished. Then they produced a virus will kill all rottened and aroused humans. They wanted to go back from the beginning when humans and nature was in peace. In that moment human's survival mechanism awaked again. They stopped these "not normal" people and saved human race.

Probably, prediction of these not normal people will come true. The earth will be destroyed. But human will find the way to survive. They will leave this earth like a virus and spread into another earth which they will destroy. It will happen again and again and again ...

10 Mart 2013 Pazar

Guilty and Not Guilty

- Nice bunch of guys ha ?
- Just like things that everywhere else ..
- Ahh what a murderous day, will be much more longer ?
- I don't know.
- He is guilty for sure, not a doubt in whole world. It should be done already. Oh I don't mind you know, beats working.. Eee, you think he is not guilty ha ?
- I don't know, it is possible
- Well, I don't know you but I bet , you never been wrong in your life, you are wasting your time, you gotta rapid up.
- Suppose, it is you on trail.
- Well, I am not used to supposing, I am just a working man like a boss sopposing, but I will try one. Supposing you talk loud about this, kid really did kill his father ha...

                                              12 Angry Man / Sidney Lumet / 1957


Heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But, doctor... I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. Fade to black...

6 Mart 2013 Çarşamba

To write a fucking story "Eight"


It is my second time that I wrote my post to directly you, the blog reader who weren't and aren't there. Of course it is like a damn cliche to say that Oh ! no, I couldn't keep my word inside of me. But sometimes a cliche is the right way to explain something - like Chuck Norris did -

I will write about what is my short story " Eight ". What the fuck is it !!! Why I forced myself to write it ..

In this story, I questionized the borders of human being through just a normal guy. This guy, in the bathroom, looking at the mirror and started to think about our borders. Eight consists of eight passages, the eight borders with each the peasure and the pain. At the start the pleasure is more but it abandons its position to more pain.

But first I have to explain why 8. 8 is a normal number has no excaptional meaning. The modern shape comes from Arabic alphabet. However when you look with the unusual angle, it turns to infinity and there is no borders in infinity.

Eight is a short story that explains the effort of escabing from materialist realty by harbouring the world of dreams, in the other way, evading the cage around him. He first questionizes the borders of humans. It is the first step to understand the truth hiding behind of materialistic world. He understood that he cannot reach the truth via normal human perception. And the way to superior perception is rebelling the rules of normal world. He denies the things that the normal perception shows. By rebelling against one of essential pyhsics  law " the gravity". He jumps into a cliff and he feels the freedom but He crashes into the concrete of reality. The first one of eight passages to the truth leads him just to the pain. Our hero, stucking into materialistic world, realizes that he also a prisoner even in the world of dream too.

Every step increases his pain but causes to escabe of reality. He continues to rebel and he started to evading the materialsitic world. He became the one with himself, the cosmos and God, the pleasure and the pain is the same.

But he craziest part of the story, I describe searching the truth is a masturbative behaviour. Our lonely hero is persuiting the peasure of the truth behind the normal world. The revealing the story as an masturbation story points this facts. The one searching the truth is always alone and the pleasure that he got only and only, satisfies him.

1 Mart 2013 Cuma

The Adam Experiment: The Garden of Eden: part 1

- You would be sentenced for death penalty, If you were in States Dr. İnan.
- Then, God bless Europa.
- You will tell us why you did this experiment. We have to make sure that you will not do madness defence.
- I told you, I will not. I still think that my experiment has to be done.
- Then tell us everything. The thing that you tell before doesn't make any sense.
- I didn't say anythıng. If I would, probably you wouldn't understand a shit !
- What do think about yout motifs of this experiment ?  .
- Are you fucking psychiatrist !It is a psychiatrist question.
- I made my phD in Munich on criminal psychology.
- Do you think that my work is a crime Mr. Paradiso ?
- Are you kidding me ! You kidnapped 23 newborn children, locked them in totally isolated enviroment ! If it is not crime, what is this ?
- It is a revolution !! It is a macrocosmos where there is no rules and no crimes. It is a paradise !!
- There is thing that Dr. Inan, I don't believe in paradises.
- Your surname doesn't say so Mr. Paradiso. At least your ancestors believed in it.
- I don't have any bloody idea that how they got this surname !
- Your grand grandfather, Marco, got this surname, after his trade trip to Persia. He learnt many languages in East Persia. Expecially Avestan Language. The word of " Paradiso" comes from this East Old Iranian language as pairi daêza. He became obsessed about this word and its meaning. " to create a wall around " The word passed to Greek as parádeisos " the Garden of Eden ". He wanted to create this garden of eden on the Earth. He kidnapped 20 people from different cities of Italian peninsula. As you guess 16 women and 7 men, and built a wall around this people. The wall was huge and high. It was a masterpiece. But the thing that he didn't know was this people rose in a normal world and with its rules. They tried to escape from this heaven and in the end they refused to eat and died. He failed. He got arrested and killed himself in prison. You didn't know this, don't you Mr. Paradiso ?
- ... No, I don't ...