It is my second time that I wrote my post to directly you, the blog reader who weren't and aren't there. Of course it is like a damn cliche to say that Oh ! no, I couldn't keep my word inside of me. But sometimes a cliche is the right way to explain something - like Chuck Norris did -
I will write about what is my short story " Eight ". What the fuck is it !!! Why I forced myself to write it ..
In this story, I questionized the borders of human being through just a normal guy. This guy, in the bathroom, looking at the mirror and started to think about our borders. Eight consists of eight passages, the eight borders with each the peasure and the pain. At the start the pleasure is more but it abandons its position to more pain.
But first I have to explain why 8. 8 is a normal number has no excaptional meaning. The modern shape comes from Arabic alphabet. However when you look with the unusual angle, it turns to infinity and there is no borders in infinity.
Eight is a short story that explains the effort of escabing from materialist realty by harbouring the world of dreams, in the other way, evading the cage around him. He first questionizes the borders of humans. It is the first step to understand the truth hiding behind of materialistic world. He understood that he cannot reach the truth via normal human perception. And the way to superior perception is rebelling the rules of normal world. He denies the things that the normal perception shows. By rebelling against one of essential pyhsics law " the gravity". He jumps into a cliff and he feels the freedom but He crashes into the concrete of reality. The first one of eight passages to the truth leads him just to the pain. Our hero, stucking into materialistic world, realizes that he also a prisoner even in the world of dream too.
But he craziest part of the story, I describe searching the truth is a masturbative behaviour. Our lonely hero is persuiting the peasure of the truth behind the normal world. The revealing the story as an masturbation story points this facts. The one searching the truth is always alone and the pleasure that he got only and only, satisfies him.
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