23 Ocak 2015 Cuma


There is a guy in the top of a hill and by a glorious tree, trying to drop the only apple in the tree. He throws stones, he use sticks. He is in full of sweat. Eventually, he achieved to take down the apple. 

            - Fuck yeah, I got you motherfucker!!!" 
       (A man approaches from behind)
            - You are going to give me that apple man! I came from fucking long way. I am hungry. "
            -  Fuck man! No way! I am hungry too! I worked so hard to get this apple down from the tree!
            - No! You don’t understand. If you eat that apple, you are going to be the first sinner and your life will be a miserable life.
            - What? Are you a fucking angel? What on earth are you talking about?
            - Do you think we are on earth? I have never seen a guy such a mistaken in my whole life?
      (First man looks around and mumbles)
            - I don’t remember how I arrived here, maybe by instinct. But the thing that I am pretty sure, with my whole heart, I want to eat that apple and I am going to fucking do it!
            - You don’t deserve this honor! Look at you! Do you think you are the man who are capable of doing that? Bullshit!
            - I achieved to take it down! I did it! Not you! I am the only one who deserves it!
            - Fool! Do you think I just arrived here? I was watching behind your miserable tries to reach that apple all the time. Why do I bother whether if there is a fool around who will do the job for me?
            - We got a really clever guy here! But your hand will be left on your dick, sorry man!
            - Who says, do you think my desires are about the lust!
            - Man! You are not even aware of your deep motivation. Don’t you remember who told you to come and eat the apple!
            - That’s why you are not going to eat that apple. I came here just to be the first rebellion to him. Yes, she told me too. I am not doing for Eva. It might be surprising for you but I will not do it for the Devil as well.             
             - You are just afraid of confessing that you are under the affect of him or you are so fool even to realize it.
            - I am pretty aware of it is Devil’s wish. But he thinks that he tricked me through Eva. I am superior to him. Earth is superior to the fire! I do it for the knowledge! Knowledge of everything! Even the Devil doesn’t know about this knowledge.
            - God wants me to have that knowledge! You fucking know it, you witnessed with you bare eyes! He let me get it!
            - What you are going to do with that knowledge ha?! You don’t even know what it is for!
            - I am going to mate with Eva. You are so fucking proud that you don’t even admit that you desire for it as well!
            - I tell you what will be happen. You are going to feel shame with each other!
            - That’s why there is the Devil. He will make the shame disappear.
            - You are weak! You just dragged yourself in a situation that you are going to need him for you whole life!
            - You are a delusional guy!
            - You idiot! You don’t know what that knowledge for! That is the ultimate knowledge! That knowledge will make us understand everything! We created from the breath of God. We carry of it! That knowledge will make me Him! It is God wish! And I am ready to kill for it !
         (He took his knife out)
            - I only kill for love, even sacrifice myself!
         (He took out his gun) 
The first guy stabbed the knife to the other guy. Other guy shot the guy from his heart! They died. Apple rolled down from the hill. A guy took it from the ground and say:
" Paradise pesticides! They are the best way to kill the bugs around! Just call us fellows. We are going to come and disinfect your house!
Our number is ………………………………………..

                                                                     Istanbul, 2010  

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